Chesterton CE Primary School
Chesterton CE Primary School
Chesterton CE Primary School


Letters Dates Admissions
School Meals Uniform Parent View Wrap Around Care
Chesterton Playgroup Home/School Agreement
Supporting Your Child Before/After School Clubs

Headteacher Newsletters
July 2024 Sept 2023
Other letters
Parents' and Carers' Questionnaire
Your child/ren will be coming home with a questionnaire that we would very much like you to complete and return before the end of term. I appreciate that it is slightly late in the term, but we would very much like to hear from you regarding a range of different aspects of school life. I have attached an electronic copy, should you need it. Many thanks in advance - we will be very grateful if you are able to take the time.

School Uniform
Please find attached letter from Mr Horner regarding school uniform.

Reading Awards
Please find attached letter from Mrs Salter, regarding about Reading in school..

New Class Arrangements September 2024
Please find attached letter with details of New Class arrangements for September.

Team Superschools
After the success of our last event in 2019, we are pleased to announce that Team Superschools will be hosting a sponsored event at Chesterton School on the morning of Monday 17th June, with a special visit from gymnast Steve Frew (Commonwealth Gold Medalist).

Book Fair
Please find attached a letter regarding a book fair that will take place in school, straight after half term. We have also attached a wish list form, which may be helpful to note down any books you would like to buy.

May Day Celebrations: Wednesday 22nd May 2024
As in previous years, we are holding our May Day festivities a little later in the month – on the last Wednesday of Term 5. This usually give us a better chance of warmer weather and also keeps us clear of the very busy build up to SATs tests.

No Mow May!
We are inviting you all to take part in No Mow May! This campaign aims to give wildlife a much needed boost during the summer. You can choose not to mow all of, or some of any green space that you have available.

School Vision and Values
We hope you agree that our whole school values (Respect, Compassion, Resilience, Hope, Integrity and Humility); are very much embedded into everyday school life at Chesterton.

Choir – Festival of Voices
We are lucky enough to have secured the chance to sing at the Festival of Voices again this year, which takes place in Dorchester Abbey. Our concert will take place on Thursday 20th June.

Comic Relief
Please find attached details of our Comic Relief activities on Friday 15th March.

World Book Day
Please find attached details about World Book Day activities, which start on Monday 4th March.

Active Lives Children & Young People Survey
I am writing to inform you that Chesterton has been chosen by Sport England to take part in the Active Lives Children & Young People Survey next school term.

As we near the end of another busy year, there are some staffing changes that we need to update you on.

Christmas Choir
After last year’s successful Christmas Choir, we are pleased to say that we are going to run it again this year.

Children in Need
This year, we are again really excited to be raising money for Children in Need!

Your child’s annual flu vaccination is due 17th November 2023
The annual school aged Flu vaccination programme is, this year, being offered to all children in Reception – Year 6. Please provide your consent via the link in this letter.

Climate Action Day, Autumn Leaf Scavenger Hunt competition
As part of our Climate Action Day focus this year raising funds and awareness of the 'Just One Tree' charity, the Eco Council will be hosting an Autumn Leaf Scavenger Hunt competition. The competition will consist of children creating a collage of autumnal leaves.
The closing date for submissions will be Tuesday 31st October 2023

Climate Action Day, 11th October
As part of our efforts to raise awareness of environmental issues, in this case global warming and climate change, Chesterton School’s Eco Council are organising a day of events – Climate Action Day – on the 11th October.

Entitlement to Free School Meals
As you will already be aware, if your child is in Reception or KS1, they are entitled to a lunch provided by the school as part of the Government’s Universal Infant Free School Meals programme. This is not the same as entitlement to Free School Meals.

Chesterton Primary School is committed to ensuring that your child receives the best possible education to prepare them for the next stage of their life. Each school day is carefully planned, and each lesson informs a wider programme of learning. Therefore, every lesson really does count.

NSPCC's Speak out. Stay safe. online programme - Aut 23
I am pleased to tell you that this term we will be participating in the NSPCC's Speak out. Stay safe. online programme. This consists of an online assembly and supporting classroom based activities. 'Speak out. Stay safe.' is a safeguarding programme available to all primary schools in the UK and Channel Islands. It aims to help children understand abuse in all its forms and to recognise the signs of abuse in a child friendly way. Children are taught to speak out if they are worried, either to a trusted adult or Childline.

School Uniform
We would like to take this opportunity to remind you about Chesterton School’s agreed dress code if you are purchasing items of new uniform over the Summer Holidays.

School Meals Update
We have recently undertaken a review of our school meal provision, and we are pleased to confirm that we will be working with Oxfordshire County Council Catering Services, starting in September 2023.
Sports and Clubs Letters
Sports Day on Wednesday 19th June
As I hope you are aware, our whole school sports day will be taking place on Wednesday 19th June. Hopefully, the following will answer any questions that you may have and give you important information about the day.

Key Stage Two Tennis Club
Please find attached letter regarding details of an after-school tennis club for Key Stage Two which starts on Friday 21st June. Places are limited and the deadline to apply online is Wednesday 19th June.

Year 2 – 6 Summer Term Running Club: 30th April - 18th June
This term, we are planning to re-start our popular Running Club, which is for children who enjoy cross country running and keeping fit and healthy.

Gymnastics event, Jan 2024
In the New Year, we have been asked if we would like to participate in a gymnastics event organised by Wade Gymnastics Club in Banbury.

Race for Life: Thursday 2nd November 2023
I am pleased to let you know that Chesterton School is holding its annual, very own Race for Life event for Cancer Research UK and we would love your child to join the fun.

Upper School Gardening Club: 18th Sept to 9th Oct
Your child has expressed an interest in joining our after-school Gardening Club, which is for children who enjoy the outdoors, nature and growing their own flowers and vegetables.
Latest Covid news and advice

Posted 11th July 2022:

As you will no doubt be aware, COVID cases are on the rise again, which has led to some questions from parents regarding the rules around testing and isolation. Please see below for guidance when the rules changed at the end of March. Please note that there is no expectation, either in the national guidelines or from the school, to take a COVID-19 test if your child is feeling unwell. Management of COVID-19 has now been brought in line with other respiratory infections (see bullet points 1&2). However, if you do choose to test yourself or your child for personal reasons, please note the isolation requirements that we still must adhere to. If you have any questions, please contact the school for advice. Kind regards,
Mr Horner

March 22: As you will probably be aware, new guidance came into force on Friday regarding the management of Covid-19. Please see below for the main points and how they will affect school.
  • children and young people who are unwell and have a high temperature should stay at home and avoid contact with other people. They can go back to school, college or childcare when they no longer have a high temperature, and they are well enough to attend.
  • adults with the symptoms of a respiratory infection, and who have a high temperature or feel unwell, should try to stay at home and avoid contact with other people until they feel well enough to resume normal activities and they no longer have a high temperature.
  • adults with a positive COVID-19 test result should try to stay at home and avoid contact with other people for 5 full days, which is when they are most infectious. For children and young people aged 18 and under, the advice will be 3 full days.
  • regular asymptomatic testing is no longer recommended in any education or childcare setting. Therefore: - Schools can no longer order free lateral flow tests - Schools can no longer distribute surplus test kits to staff, students, or parents
  • PCR testing is no longer freely available. We are only supposed to use existing stock of lateral flow tests if directed to do so by local health protection teams.
This shift in approach will take some adjustment for all of us, after over two years of disruption to all of our lives and I'm sure there will be differing emotions as the country takes this step. However, as always, the school will do its best to help navigate through the changes in the best way that we can, trying to keep the school community safe and provide an undisrupted education for the pupils. If you have any questions about how this new guidance works in practice, please don't hesitate to contact the school office. If we don't have the answers, we will certainly find out for you. Please see below for further information from
Kind regards,
Mr Horner

Living safely with respiratory infections, including COVID-19 - GOV.UK
Guidance for living safely with respiratory infections, including coronavirus (COVID-19).

Government sets out next steps for living with COVID - GOV.UK
New guidance regarding COVID-19 tests

Chesterton CE Primary School
Alchester Road, Chesterton, Bicester
Oxon OX26 1UN
Tel: 01869 252498