Chesterton CE Primary School
Chesterton CE Primary School
Chesterton CE Primary School


Letters Dates Admissions
School Meals Uniform Parent View Wrap Around Care
Chesterton Playgroup Home/School Agreement
Supporting Your Child Before/After School Clubs

Other letters

Festival of Voices
We are lucky enough to have secured the chance to sing at the Festival of Voices again this year, which takes place in Dorchester Abbey.

Vision Art competition
Please find attached letter regarding the Vision Art competition. Hard copies were sent home with your child on Wednesday. The deadline for entries is the end of the school day on Wednesday 26th February.

Comic Relief, Friday 21st March 2025
This year, Chesterton School is really excited to be raising money for Comic Relief 2024! As one of the UK’s biggest fundraising events, Comic Relief brings the entire nation together to get active, raise money and change lives.

World Book Day 2025
World Book Day’ is fast approaching and we are busy planning our annual 'Book Week' in school, which will run from Monday 3rd March through to Friday 7th March. Although Thursday 6th March is officially World Book Day, we will be holding book-related activities throughout the entire week.

Footsteps Road Safety
Half term would be a great chance for you to use our Footsteps programme to begin to support your children in their journey to becoming safer, independent pedestrians and road users.

Anti-Bullying Week 2024
Anti-Bullying Week is coordinated In England and Wales by the Anti-Bullying Alliance and takes place from 11th to 15th November 2024.

Children In Need - 11th-15th Nov
This year, we are again really excited to be raising money for Children in Need! As one of the UK’s biggest fundraising events, Children in Need 2024 brings the entire nation together to do something amazing for children all around the UK. As always, Chesterton School Council has decided to get involved and help raise money for this incredible cause.

Active Lives Survey (Ash , Hawthorn and Oak Classes)
I am writing to inform you that Chesterton has been chosen by Sport England to take part in the Active Lives Children & Young People Survey next school term.

Remembrance Day
We have been asked to take part in this year’s Remembrance Day by contributing to a large display of poppies in St. Mary’s Church, Chesterton. As you may know, our School Council always helps to raise funds for the Royal British Legion through the sale of poppies and other items. However, we thought this would be another way to mark the occasion in our local community.

Pupil Premium
As you will already be aware, if your child is in Reception or KS1, they are entitled to a lunch provided by the school as part of the Government’s Universal Infant Free School Meals programme. This is not the same as entitlement to Free School Meals.

Climate Action Day
As part of our efforts to raise awareness of environmental issues, in this case, maintaining the waterways and the nature surrounding it, Chesterton School’s Eco Council are organising a day of events – Climate Action Day – on the 15th October 2024.

Newsletter, 20th September
Welcome back to the new school year! I hope that your Summer Holidays were a welcome change from school for a few weeks, but that your children are excited to be back. Please see below for some information on upcoming events.

Penalty notices and term time holidays.
Chesterton Primary School is committed to ensuring that your child receives the best possible education to prepare them for the next stage of their life. Each school day is carefully planned, and each lesson informs a wider programme of learning. Therefore, every lesson really does count.

13th Sept: ACTION REQUIRED - Flu Consent Form
Please find attached letter regarding the Childhood Flu Vaccination Programme, which will take place at Chesterton on Thursday 24th October.
This requires you to give consent online, all instructions are contained in the letter.

School Uniform
Please find attached letter from Mr Horner regarding school uniform.

New Class Arrangements September 2024
Please find attached letter with details of New Class arrangements for September.

Sports and Clubs Letters

Year 3/4 Girls' Football Club
This club is open to all girls in Years 3 and 4 and will run for six weeks from Monday 24th February to Monday 31st March.

Year 5 and 6 Film Making Club
Children in Rowan and Oak classes are invited to an after-school Film Making Club. In these sessions, children will be improving their computing skills while using iPads and the app iMovie. please return the slip by Wednesday 12th February.

Year 3/6 Hockey Club
There are still places remaining for the Year 3/6 Hockey Club. If your child is interested, please return the slip by Friday 17th January.

Latest Covid news and advice

Posted 11th July 2022:

As you will no doubt be aware, COVID cases are on the rise again, which has led to some questions from parents regarding the rules around testing and isolation. Please see below for guidance when the rules changed at the end of March. Please note that there is no expectation, either in the national guidelines or from the school, to take a COVID-19 test if your child is feeling unwell. Management of COVID-19 has now been brought in line with other respiratory infections (see bullet points 1&2). However, if you do choose to test yourself or your child for personal reasons, please note the isolation requirements that we still must adhere to. If you have any questions, please contact the school for advice. Kind regards,
Mr Horner

March 22: As you will probably be aware, new guidance came into force on Friday regarding the management of Covid-19. Please see below for the main points and how they will affect school.
  • children and young people who are unwell and have a high temperature should stay at home and avoid contact with other people. They can go back to school, college or childcare when they no longer have a high temperature, and they are well enough to attend.
  • adults with the symptoms of a respiratory infection, and who have a high temperature or feel unwell, should try to stay at home and avoid contact with other people until they feel well enough to resume normal activities and they no longer have a high temperature.
  • adults with a positive COVID-19 test result should try to stay at home and avoid contact with other people for 5 full days, which is when they are most infectious. For children and young people aged 18 and under, the advice will be 3 full days.
  • regular asymptomatic testing is no longer recommended in any education or childcare setting. Therefore: - Schools can no longer order free lateral flow tests - Schools can no longer distribute surplus test kits to staff, students, or parents
  • PCR testing is no longer freely available. We are only supposed to use existing stock of lateral flow tests if directed to do so by local health protection teams.
This shift in approach will take some adjustment for all of us, after over two years of disruption to all of our lives and I'm sure there will be differing emotions as the country takes this step. However, as always, the school will do its best to help navigate through the changes in the best way that we can, trying to keep the school community safe and provide an undisrupted education for the pupils. If you have any questions about how this new guidance works in practice, please don't hesitate to contact the school office. If we don't have the answers, we will certainly find out for you. Please see below for further information from
Kind regards,
Mr Horner

Living safely with respiratory infections, including COVID-19 - GOV.UK
Guidance for living safely with respiratory infections, including coronavirus (COVID-19).

Government sets out next steps for living with COVID - GOV.UK
New guidance regarding COVID-19 tests

Chesterton CE Primary School
Alchester Road, Chesterton, Bicester
Oxon OX26 1UN
Tel: 01869 252498