Chesterton CE Primary School
Chesterton CE Primary School
Chesterton CE Primary School


Letters Dates Admissions
School Meals Uniform Parent View Wrap Around Care
Chesterton Playgroup Home/School Agreement
Supporting Your Child Before/After School Clubs

Chesterton school has decided to opt for a dress code. 
This consists of:

<>A pair of sensible outdoor school shoes. These should be black and suitable for a range of school activities, including running and playing. These should not be boots of any kind or have heels. *
<> A white polo shirt / white blouse / button-up shirt.
<> A navy blue sweatshirt (logo optional) or cardigan.
<> Black or dark grey 'school-type' trousers, skirt or tailored shorts (smart culottes are also acceptable).
<> Plain (no logos/patterns) socks (black, grey, white or navy) or tights (black, grey or navy).
<> A 'Gingham' blue/white check summer dress/'playsuit' or grey pinafore dress. (Please note that short 'cycling' shorts worn underneath dresses should be black, grey or navy, as per tights)
<> A coat or waterproof jacket.

*Please note that some girls' school shoes are not conducive to physical activities that the children want to take part in at breaktimes and lunchtimes (skipping, running, climbing, football etc.), so please consider avoiding some of the less sturdy options when making your next choice.

School uniform can be ordered from PMG Schoolwear: access the website here
Their service is very straightforward and easy to use. You will be able to order your uniform over the internet, by phone or by post.

Polo shirts, sweatshirts and cardigans, which are manufactured with the school logo embroidered on the front, can be purchased via the link above. A selection of sizes are available in the school office to try on. Please be aware - It is not compulsory for school uniform to carry the school logo. However, uniform containing the school logo does increase a sense of pupil identity within the school and can make it easier for parents to decide what is/is not appropriate for school.

We would ask that the following items of clothing are not part of the school uniform:
Jeans or skinny-jean like trousers
Chinos or corduroy trousers
Patterned tights / Brightly coloured/patterned socks / Long sports socks
Leggings (either instead of trousers or instead of tights)
Tracksuit bottoms/sports or cycling shorts
Hooded tops (either worn instead of school jumpers or as coats)
Shoes with high heels or wedges
Boots instead of school shoes
Trainers instead of school shoes

Wellington boots
A change of footwear for use on the field in essential in order to keep our school clean and tidy, and these need to be kept at school throughout the term. We would therefore ask that a pair of wellies are kept in school at all times to enable us to make use of the field for outdoor learning and playtimes in all weathers. These should be stored neatly on the welly racks outside the classrooms.

PE Kit
<> A house-coloured Chesterton P.E. T-shirt (available to order from the PMG website).
<> Navy blue/black shorts (a 'skort' is also suitable).
<> Training shoes for outdoor games (hi-top trainers are not suitable)
<> Dark coloured tracksuit trousers and warm top for outdoor games/cold weather.
(Plain, dark coloured leggings can be worn as an alternative to shorts/tracksuit bottoms)

*NB: Shorts should be worn for all P.E. lessons, with tracksuit bottoms worn on top when necessary. There are P.E. activities where the wearing of long trousers presents a safety hazard (e.g. Using large gymnastics equipment). Tracksuit trousers are also not suitable for hot weather, especially when taking part in activities that involve a lot of running.

These items should preferably be kept in a drawstring bag, or smaller shoulder bag that does not take up too much cloakroom space and should be in school all week. We sometimes have issues with pupils saying that their kit is at home because they 'didn't think PE was on that day.' Children should not wear any of the same clothes for PE that they have worn for the rest of the day.

Children in Years 3 to 6 also require a swimming kit which should include:
<> A one-piece swimming costume for girls
<> Swimming trunks or shorts for boys (These should be above the knee as long shorts make it more difficult for children who are learning to swim)
<> A towel
<> A swimming hat
Please be aware that, should swimming goggles be needed, a letter from parents/carers is required. This will be explained in the start of year swimming letter.

We also ask that all items of clothing or footwear are clearly marked with the child's name.

Chesterton CE Primary SchoolHouse PE T-Shirts

P.E. shirts in house colours are available from PMG (our usual suppliers). These should be worn as part of the school P.E. kit for use in PE lessons and for other sporting activities. They should also be worn for Sports Day in the Summer Term. Your child and any siblings will always remain in the same house, meaning that there won't be a need to find different coloured shirts each year. This is the only item of school uniform that we insist carries the school logo, as it is sometimes worn for inter-school sporting events. Other plain t-shirts, football shirts and school polo shirts are not permitted for P.E. lessons.
Please follow this link to purchase


The only jewellery that is permitted at school is one pair of simple stud earrings and/or a wrist watch. Children wearing necklaces, wrist bands, bracelets etc. will be asked to remove them.
A local authority regulation also forbids the wearing of jewellery in schools for physical activities, including P.E. lessons and also swimming. If your child has recently had their ears pierced, then please provide 'micropore' tape for them to cover their earrings whilst participating in PE lessons. Any earrings that are removed for P.E. are the responsibility of the child.

Make Up & Hair Dye

Make-up of any kind (including nail varnish) is not permitted. Non-natural colour hair dye or spray is not permitted, unless as part of a non-uniform/dress up day. In this case, it should be non-permanent, so that it can be washed out for the next school day.

Non-uniform Days

Please note that, whilst we generally let parents/children have free choice of outfits on these days, we ask that the following are not worn:
<> Revealing items of clothing (incl. very short skirts or shorts, bikini tops, cropped tops).
<> Clothing with inappropriate slogans.
<> Open-toed sandals / Crocs

Hair accessories

We would ask you to keep hair accessories simple and avoid items such as braids, flowers, large bands, and bandanas. If you are not sure, please ask.
* Please note that long hair (beyond shoulder-length) should be tied back (boys and girls), so that it is not a distraction in the classroom or a safety hazard during P.E. sessions. This will also help with avoiding the spread of headlice.

Although this may seem like a list of 'do nots', we felt that, as parents, you would appreciate clear guidelines when discussing school uniform or shopping for new items with your children. We also feel that, for the vast majority of pupils and parents who adhere to the guidelines, it is fair that these are enforced properly across the school and that incorrect uniform is addressed. The last thing you want is to have a battle with your child at home on wearing the correct uniform, only to find that the rules are not being applied fairly in school.

Please be aware that, periodically, we make a selection of good quality, second-hand uniform available to parents free of charge. Look out for communication from the school office. If you have any items that your child/ren no longer need/s, then please hand them on to other families or bring them in (washed please) to the school office.

If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact us.

We thank you for your continued backing with our school uniform and your help in maintaining the high standards that we hope are associated with all aspects of the school.
Chesterton CE Primary School
Alchester Road, Chesterton, Bicester
Oxon OX26 1UN
Tel: 01869 252498