Chesterton CE Primary School
Chesterton CE Primary School
Chesterton CE Primary School

Parent View

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Parent View - Give Ofsted your view on your child's school
Give Ofsted your view on Chesterton

Parent View gives you the chance to tell Ofsted what you think about your child's school, from the quality of teaching to dealing with bullying and poor behaviour. The survey can be completed at any time; you don't have to wait until the school is being inspected. We will use the information you provide when making decisions about which schools to inspect and when.

July 2021 - Parental Questionnaire Results     July 2021 - School Report Feedback     April 2020 - Parental Questionnaire Results


"...... has really enjoyed her year in Hawthorn Class and it’s clear to see that Miss Hawtin has really inspired her. For example, in diversifying her reading and encouraging her love for learning. Thank you for all you have done to have a positive impact on ......’s education."
Year 4 Parent, July 2024

"...... has thoroughly enjoyed his time at Chesterton, having been so welcomed since moving from one school on the Monday to the next the following day! Slotting him into the cross country the week he joined and having him take part in so many sporting activities over the three years, has been great for him."
Leaving Year 6 Parent, July 2024

"Thank you so much for your continued support of the children, for keeping them safe, to feel valued and each and every child feels important."
Leaving Year 6 Parent, July 2024

"What a joy it has been to watch not one, not two, but all three of my children leave Chesterton in better shape than they came. The pastoral care and encouragement to grow and reach higher has inspired them all."
Leaving Year 6 Parent, July 2024

"We are grateful for everything you do to direct, shape and lead the school into a positive, fun and nurturing environment. Thank you for everything you do."
Parent, July 2024

"...... has really enjoyed her first year at Chesterton. Thank you Miss Spencer, Miss Wheatley and Mrs Tyrrell for providing such an engaging and stimulating experience for her."
Reception Parent, July 2024

"Under your tutelage and the wonderful environment of Chesterton, she has grown hugely in her confidence in every aspect of her development, academic and otherwise. Thank you for all that you have done to achieve this."
Year 5 Parent, July 2024

"...... looks forward to school and particularly the extra-curricular activities, such as music assemblies, choir, gardening club, and school trips. Thank you to all the dedicated staff that make these possible."
Year 5 Parent, July 2024

"I’d like to express my huge thanks to all the teaching and support staff at Chesterton over the last 7 years for everything the school has done to support and nurture ...... He has had such a positive and rewarding time at Chesterton and that is all thanks to the fantastic school community."
Leaving Year 6 Parent, July 2024

"Good morning, I just wanted to say a big thankyou to Mr Horner for arranging the Wembley trip yesterday. Both myself and ...... had an amazing time and it’s a memory we will remember. I am so glad we went in the end - we had such a great day."
Year 5 Parent, May 2024

"...... and I just wanted to pass on our thanks to Mr Horner and the team for organising such a lovely event (Inter-House Football) this afternoon!
;...... came home absolutely delighted and full of pride at being able to join in … the chance to participate in so much now has given him so much confidence and a real chance to feel part of the school. We honestly can't thank you all (and the other children!) enough for bringing him into the fold the way you have. His confidence and happiness have just soared this year. We are so grateful!
Year 5 Parent, May 2024

"I just wanted to say how impressed I was with all the children at Dorchester Abbey. ...... has absolutely loved every minute of the whole event and going to practice every week (she is going to really miss choir every Tuesday). The amount of effort you have put into teaching them all the songs is truly impressive. I am already looking forward to next year."
Year 5 Parent, May 2024

"We wanted to thank the Year 1 teachers for organising the animal visit day today. ...... has not stopped talking about holding a python, a bearded dragon and seeing all the animals. This is an experience he will remember for a long time and we are really grateful you gave the students this opportunity. Please can you pass on our thanks to all staff involved?"
Year 1 Parent, March 2024

"I just wanted to say a huge thank you for organising the schools’ gymnastics competition yesterday. ...... was so excited by it and had a brilliant time. I know a lot of effort goes into the organising of these events and we are very grateful."
Year 4 Parent, January 2024

"Please can you pass on our thanks to Miss Crockett, Mrs Ayaganova, Mrs Tuffrey and Mr Couling for taking Chestnut Class to Hill End today. ...... had the best time and has come home telling us all about what he did - making an axe and building a den was a real highlight for him! We are really grateful he has this opportunity to experience history and would like to thank everyone involved in taking them.”"
Year 3 Parent, November 2023

"We just wanted to say a huge thanks to you all for such a great week at Kilvrough. ....... said it was brilliant and really enjoyed all the activities, challenges and time spent with his class mates and teachers. The whole experience will be one he will fondly remember and look back on with happy memories and that is all down to the fantastic team at Chesterton School and Kilvrough for making it such a great experience. We hope you enjoy a well-earned rest and break over the half term!"
Year 6 Parent, October 2023

"Hello, Just a little message to say what a wonderful event. The students running it were absolutely fantastic!! One in particular that went above and beyond in my view was ....... (Year 6), he was extremely helpful and so polite.a fabulous host!!"
Year 4 Parent, September 2023

"I just wanted to say a massive thank you to you all for everything you have done to support ........ moving on to secondary school. She has had a very positive day today and is buzzing to tell you all about it tomorrow. This has only been so positive, as all the support she has received from everyone at Chesterton school. We will always be so grateful for helping her understand herself and build her confidence. Thanks again."
Year 6 Parent, July 2023

"Hi Mr Horner, Just a quick THANK YOU to you and your staff, yet again, for organising an amazing sporting opportunity for those lucky kids. Thank you again - I know what you provide is above and beyond. Have a great rest of the week."
Year 3 Parent re. Hannah Barnes Swimming Gala, July 2023

"Good evening Mr Horner, I just wanted to drop you line to say how impressed I was with the play (Treasure Island) tonight. They all did an amazing job. Thanks to all the children and staff we were thoroughly entertained. I can't wait to see ....... in future plays."
Year 4 Parent, July 2023

"Dear Mr Horner, We just wanted to thank you so much for this year at school. Your enthusiasm, compassion and care shines through! We are both so impressed with the school. ....... is very happy, as you know, and her progress amazes us. It's very reassuring with ....... starting soon too. The sports award is a lovely end to the year - we are busy sending lots of pictures of the medal to Grandparents, Aunties and Uncles! Hope you have a great, well deserved summer."
Parent, July 2023

"Dear Mr. Horner, As we briefly discussed at the school gate today, I just wanted to thank you and the entire team at Chesterton for the terrific experience that ....... and ...... enjoyed as students of the school. It's been a pleasure watching our children and their friends thrive in Chesterton. ....... and ....... have felt safe and nurtured, and have grown in confidence and maturity together. We don't have a much basis for comparison beyond the experience of friends' children in other areas, but it does seem to us as though we were really fortunate to find Chesterton, so we wanted to thank you and your team once again. Watching today's class, I think you guys have a great deal to be proud of and I hope all of the kids are as well taken care of in their next schools as they have been in yours. Have a wonderful summer."
Leaving Parent, July 2023

"Just wanted to email you regarding some Chesterton students that I have seen this week. I am currently working at an event in Bicester, and I saw quite a few children yesterday and today, to which they all remembered me as ....... I just wanted to let you know how polite and friendly these children were, a huge credit to the school.
I also received an email saying I would not be back at Chesterton for my summer placement so I just wanted to say a huge thank you for the opportunity at your school for my last two placements. Such incredibly talented and thoughtful children, and the loveliest teaching staff. I couldn't be more grateful that I was given such a great school. I will always remember Chesterton as my first ever teaching placement and hopefully I'll be back, maybe even after I graduate!
Teaching Student, April 2023

"Hi all, I think this is a fantastic result! I understand that it's pretty rare to get an outstanding rating these days and you should all feel very proud to have achieved this result, well done to everyone!! We certainly feel that Chesterton is a cut above the rest and so thank you for all of your hard work. I hope you have had a glass of the fizzy stuff to celebrate!"

"Incredible result, well done all of you. Thank you very much for the information and most importantly for continuing to provide the children with such a wonderful environment and support."

"Dear Mr. Horner & Chesterton Primary, As far as we, as parents of ....... are concerned, Chesterton has been an outstanding school for ........ We could not be more pleased."

Parental feedback re. Ofsted report, April 2023

"Thank you so much for organising the trip yesterday to Bicester Library. ....... came home so excited about the books he wanted to get out and has demanded we take him on Saturday to find the ‘Batman book' he was reading there. It has really helped his motivation to read and we are very grateful he was given this opportunity with the school. Thank you for organising it, and please also pass on our thanks to the staff who helped and the staff at The Bicester Library."
Reception Parent, March 2023

"Amongst all of this we know he will miss his friends and the teaching staff at Chesterton, we couldn't be happier with the quality of teaching and overall culture at your wonderful school ...... this will be a hard act to follow, but we are safe in the knowledge that his early introduction to schooling couldn't have been happier."
Reception Parent, March 2023

"I just wanted to say thank you for doing such a thoughtful and sweet trip for them all. I'm excited for them, it's going to be a brilliant day. The stories will last for weeks and the memories a lot longer, I am sure!"
Year 1 Parent, February 2023

"Both classes were a pleasure to work with, their manners were impeccable. They were engaged from the get go and took part in all the activities with great enthusiasm. Both myself & Vicki commented on what a great display of behaviour we saw."
Visiting netball coach, January 2023

"I'm not sure who organised the badminton, but ....... thoroughly enjoyed it. One of the girls from ....... school is one friends so he was very excited to see her there too. Thank you for organising this, it's very much appreciated."
Year 4 Parent, January 2023

"Just to say another 'thank you' for organising yet another event! Such a great idea, and good to get them out and about blowing some cobwebs out! Thank you for the photos too, and staff for walking with them too!"
Parent re. Santa Fun Walk – December 2022

"I just wanted to write a quick thank you for the trip that was organised for eco council today. ..... absolutely LOVED visiting the Ardley Energy Recovery Facility and has been filling us in on everything she did and what they do there."
Eco Council Parent – November 2022

"(Thank you) for inviting ...... to take part in the multi-skills event and for Mrs Tuffrey for taking him. He had such a good time. He just loves sports so much but taking part in any sports club outside of the garden is still a struggle for him. We are very grateful to you for providing opportunities for him to be able to participate within an environment and with people who are safe to him."
Lower School Parent, November 2022

"Thank you so much for taking the class on the trip to Hill End yesterday - ..... found it absolutely fascinating and she enjoyed telling us all about the activities in detail. I have no doubt these things take a lot of organisation so a big thank you to all involved."
Year 3 Parent, November 2022

"Just wanted to say a huge thank you for organising and taking the trip (to Hill End) yesterday. I know how much work goes into organising these trips. ..... had such an amazing time and couldn't stop talking about it when he got home."
Year 3 Parent, November 2022

"We just wanted to email you to thank you for the time you took last Friday to show us round your fantastic school. We were so impressed with the beautiful school surroundings, the teachers and the children who we saw whilst we were there. We could also really see how proud and passionate you were which was lovely."
Prospective Parent, October 2022

"I just wanted to write a note to say thank you so much for all the effort you and the staff put into the residential trip. ..... has come home absolutely full of beans, he enjoyed himself so much and loved all the activities. He even ate a tuna sandwich (something we've not managed to get him to even try it before!). He said the instructors were really good at explaining what he had to do and were very patient with him. I bet you all need a few days to get over it all and catch up on sleep. ..... shed a little tear earlier as he's going to miss being there."
Year 4 Parent, October 2022

"We just wanted to email you to thank you for the time you took last Friday to show us round your fantastic school. We were so impressed with the beautiful school surroundings, the teachers and the children who we saw whilst we were there. We could also really see how proud and passionate you were which was lovely."
Prospective Parent, October 2022

Chesterton CE Primary School
Alchester Road, Chesterton, Bicester
Oxon OX26 1UN
Tel: 01869 252498