Chesterton CE Primary School
Chesterton CE Primary School
Chesterton CE Primary School

School Association: Archive

School Association
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Summer 2024

School Association: Summer Party
The school year is coming to an end, and guess what? We’re throwing an epic outdoors SUMMER PARTY to celebrate!
Friday 19th July
KS1 (Maple, Beech & Ash) 5 - 6.15pm
KS2 (Chestnut, Hawthorn, Rowan & Oak) 6.30 - 8pm
Please pay via Scopay (deadline 16th July)
£5 including a snack and ice lolly
Chesterton CE Primary School

Summer Fair arrangements:
Payment Options for Games:
Cash: You can pay for all games in cash. Please ensure you have plenty of £1 coins. Please note the stalls will not carry float.

Token Stall: If you don’t have cash, we’ll have a token stall where you can pay by card in exchange for game tokens. The token stall will also provide change if needed.

The BBQ will accept both cash and card payments at all times. Please see menu below

Inflatable Slide and Assault Course:
For the inflatable slide and assault course, you can pay either by cash or card.
Chesterton CE Primary School

Dress Down Day on Friday 14th June
Chesterton CE Primary School

Rags 2 Riches collection on Wednesday 19th June.
This half term is the perfect opportunity to do a clear out and declutter while helping to raise money for your school! Please support if you can and bring your bags into school on the day. Download the poster
Chesterton CE Primary School

We Need You
It's just over a month until our annual School Association Summer Fair on 15th June.
It is a big event with many elements and we will need lots of volunteers to deliver it safely and successfully.
Please click for a volunteer sign-up sheet. This year, we are asking for more volunteers to make sure that people running the stalls can do it in shifts and be able to enjoy the Fair with their children and not be stuck at the stall the whole event!
The more people we have signed up, the easier it becomes to everyone involved so please sign up to help if you can. Even help with setting up or cleaning after is appreciated.
Please be aware that we will not be able to run the event if we don't have a sufficient number of volunteers, so thank you in advance for any help you can give.

Summer Fair advertisement boards
The preparations for our annual Summer Fair are in full swing!
Last year some of you kindly agreed to have Summer Fair advertisement boards outside your houses.
This year we will be working with IMS group and they are currently in design/production stage for the boards. We would like to use the same display locations as last year. Additionally, we are looking for locations in Upper Heyford (ideally on the main road/square), so please contact us on the email below if you can assist.
If you previously had a board but would not like to participate this year (or moved) please email
Kind Regards

Spring 2024

Easter Bonnet Competition - Thursday 28th March

On Thursday, the School Association is running an Easter Bonnet competition, flyer attached. Prizes will be awarded for the best efforts! Thank you for your support.
Chesterton CE Primary School

Easter Egg Hunt, Thursday 28th March
After the success of last years' Easter Egg Hunt, Chesterton School will be holding this year's event on Thursday 28th March (straight after school - please arrive to school for the usual pick-up time). Children will need to be accompanied by their parents to participate. Please note that there will be no Tree House sessions as this is the final day of term.
£4 per child
Please pay in the usual way via Scopay (deadline Friday 22nd March at midday). Please ensure that you book by the deadline, as we cannot extend the date and some children have been disappointed by missing other activities so far this year.
If your child has a younger sibling (not at the school) who would like to attend, please pay on Scopay. If the younger sibling has any dietary needs, please email the School Association at
Chesterton CE Primary School

Please see the attached flyer for the World Book Day Film Night which takes place on Thursday 7th March from 3.15pm - 5pm.
The films are as follows:
Maple - Shrek (link to Fairytales topic)
Beech and Ash - Jungle Book
Chestnut and Hawthorn - Paddington
Rowan and Oak - The Golden Compass (Philip Pullman)

Please go online to give consent, order tuck (crisps & Haribo) and make payment in the usual way. To enable us to purchase supplies, the deadline to book your place is Tuesday 5th March at 3.30pm.
Tree House will not go ahead for the first half session on Thursday, but if you require childcare from 5.00pm - 5.45pm, please book online via Scopay for a half session.
Chesterton CE Primary School

Next week (wb 4th March) is World Book Week
and, in the spirit of that, the School Association would like to run a book sale on Wednesday 6th March. We welcome your donations of unwanted/old (but in good condition) children’s books to the sale. Please limit your donation to 3 books to avoid us being overwhelmed by too many! If the sale is a success, we may well repeat in future. You can drop your donations in the school office from Monday 4th March. Cash or card accepted at the sale on Wednesday.
Thank you for your support.
Chesterton CE Primary School

Please see below details of upcoming events in school next week:
1. Rags to Riches collection Monday 5th February
2. Nick Cope visit to reception/years 1,2 and 3 on Thursday 8th February
3. Chestnut and Hawthorn bake sale on 8th/9th February

Chesterton CE Primary School
Chesterton CE Primary School

To start this year, we have a fun and exciting Quiz Night on 2nd Feb!
Don’t worry if you’re not a quiz egghead, as the emphasis will be very much on fun and some friendly competition!
Team and individual spot prizes will be on offer too.
It’s an adult only event and you will be able to purchase alcoholic/nonalcoholic refreshments on the night - price list to be published closer to the event.
We have a limited amount of tables, so be sure to secure your spot by emailing us (
Last year, the governors' table took the glory. Who is it going to be this time?
Chesterton CE Primary School

We have organised Rags 2 Riches collection for Monday 5th February 2024.
This is a similar event to Bags 2 School however this time we are trying a new company and see which is most beneficial.
Please see below items they accept for collection.
A perfect opportunity for a clear out while supporting your school
Chesterton CE Primary School
Chesterton CE Primary School

Autumn 2023

December 23 Newsletter: click here

Chesterton CE Primary SchoolChesterton CE Primary School
Chesterton CE Primary School
Chesterton CE Primary School
Chesterton CE Primary School
Chesterton CE Primary School
Chesterton CE Primary School

Annual General Meeting: Thursday 5th October
The School Association would like to invite all parents to our Annual General Meeting, which will be held on Thursday 5th October at the School Hall (7-9pm).
As a registered charity, the School Association is obliged to hold a meeting annually where they summarise the previous year and agree their activities for this academic year.
The meeting is scheduled to last about an hour and the remaining time is dedicated to social activities, drinks(!) and discussion. It's a great opportunity (especially for the new Maple parents) to meet not only the School Association committee members but also other parents/carers at our school.
We always welcome new members to join the committee so if you would like to get involved, please come along!
Chesterton CE Primary School

Summer Term 2023

Chesterton School Association: News/ Events

Chesterton School Association: News/ Events

Chesterton School Association: News/ Events

Spring Term 2023
Easter Egg Hunt 1 Thursday 30th March
Chesterton School Association: News/ Events

World Book Day Film Night - Friday 3rd March
Chesterton School Association: News/ Events

Quiz Night - Friday 3rd February 2023
After a long break the quiz is back! Mr Horner as your quiz master. Always a great night out and many laughs.
Friday 3rd February at 7pm £30 per table (up to 6 people)
To book a table please email
Chesterton School Association: News/ Events

Upcoming events Spring/ Summer 2023
Friday 3rd February Quiz Night
Friday 10th February Bake Sale (Chestnut Class)
Friday 3rd March Film Nights
Friday 24th March Bake Sale (Maple Class)
Thursday 30th March Egg Hunt
Friday 19th May Bake Sale (Oak Class)
Saturday 17th or 24th June Summer Fayre tbc
Friday 7th July Bake Sale (Rowan Class)
Friday 14th July Summer Party

Chesterton CE Primary School
Alchester Road, Chesterton, Bicester
Oxon OX26 1UN
Tel: 01869 252498