Term 1 - 2024 |
Monday 2nd and Tuesday 3rd September |
INSET Days |
Wednesday 4th September |
Term Starts |
w/b Monday 16th September |
NSPCC Speak Out, Stay Safe Week |
Wednesday25th September |
School Photographer
Maple Curriculum Evening
5.00pm |
Thursday 26th September |
School Association AGM |
Tuesday 1st October |
Harvest Festival (pupils only) |
Thursday 3rd October |
Open Classrooms
(3.15-3.45) |
Tuesday 8th October |
Macmillan Coffee Afternoon |
Friday 11th October |
School Association Bingo Night |
Tuesday 15th October |
Eco Council Climate Action Day |
Friday 18th October |
Rowan Sharing Worship
School Association Discos (Light Party) |
Tuesday 22nd October |
Maple Class Stay and Learn Session 1
(2-3pm) |
Thursday 24th October |
Flu Vaccination Programme
(All Year Groups) |
Bake Sale (Maple, Beech, Ash) |
Term 2 - 2024 |
w/b 4th November |
South Africa Week |
w/b 11th November |
Anti-bullying week |
Tuesday 12th and Wednesday 13th November |
Parents Evenings |
Friday 15th November |
Children In Need |
w/b 18th November |
Maths Week |
Friday 29th November |
Oak Sharing Worship |
Thursday 5th December |
Maple Class Stay and Learn Session 2
(2-3pm) |
Friday 6th December |
Chestnut Sharing Worship |
Tuesday 10th and Wednesday 11th December |
KS1 Nativity (2.15pm) |
Thursday 12th December |
Maple Class Nativity
(2.30pm) |
Tuesday 17th December |
Christmas Service
Christmas Lunch |
Wednesday 18th December |
School Assoc. Christmas Tale Evening |
Thursday 19th December |
Christmas Jumper Day
Singing Around the Tree |
Term 3 - 2025 |
w/b 13th January |
RSPB Big Schools Birdwatch |
Friday 17th January |
Ash Sharing Worship |
Wednesday 22nd January |
KS2 SATs Info Evening |
Friday 24th January |
Hawthorne Sharing Worship |
Friday 31st January |
Oak Sharing Worship
Association Quiz Night |
Friday 7th February |
Maple Sharing Worship |
Tuesday 11th February |
Safer Internet Day |
Term 4 - 2025 |
Friday 28th February |
Beech Sharing Worship |
w/b 3rd March |
Book Week |
Wednesday 5th March |
Book Week Film Night |
Thursday 6th March |
School Association Book Sale |
w/b 10th March |
Science Week |
Friday 14th March |
Comic Relief |
Monday 24th and Wednesday 26th March |
Parents' Evenings |
Wednesday 2nd April |
Easter Church Service (9.30am)
(pupils only) |
Friday 4th April |
Easter Egg Hunt |
Term 5 - 2025 |
Monday 21st April |
Bank Holiday |
Wednesday 23rd April |
Sportshall Showdown |
Friday 25th April |
Hawthorn Sharing Worship |
Friday 2nd May |
Rowan Sharing Worship |
Monday 5th May |
May Bank Holiday |
Friday 9th May |
Chestnut Sharing Worship |
w/b 12th May |
KS2 SATS Week |
Thursday 15th May |
Bake Sale (Rowan & Oak) |
Wednesday 21st May |
May Day |
Term 6 - 2025 |
Monday 2nd June |
Year 4 Multiplication Check |
w/b 3rd June |
Walk to School Week
Arts Week |
Saturday 7th June |
Chestival (Summer Fayre) |
w/b 9th June |
Phonics Screening Check |
Friday 13th June |
Ash Sharing Worship |
w/b 16th June |
School Sports Week |
Wednesday 18th June |
Sports Day |
Friday 27th June |
Maple Sharing Worship |
Friday 4th July |
Beech Sharing Worship |
Tuesday 8th July |
Changeover Day
Maple Class New Parents' Meeting |
Wednesday 9th July |
Reports to Parents |
Wednesday 9th and Thursday 10th July |
Upper School Production |
Friday 11th July |
Summer Party |
Tuesday 15th July |
Leavers' Service
9.30am |
Thursday 17th July |
Leavers' Assembly
2.15pm |
Friday 18th July |
Last Day of Term |
Monday 21st and Tuesday 22nd July |
INSET Days |