Chesterton CE Primary School
Chesterton CE Primary School
Chesterton CE Primary School
Email alerts: latest sent 25th June 2024
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Latest updates: 25th June

Photos and videos:
Ash Class: Prayer Space
Chestnut Class: Lots!
Special Events: Charity Bingo presentation
Sports: Cricket
Oak Class: Lots
Maple Class: Weeks 4, 5 and 6
Rowan Class: Visit to the Mosque
Hawthorn Class: Anglo-Saxon Workshop
Music: Nick Cope
Beech Class: Animal Workshop

Letter: Beech Class - Earth Trust centre trip
Letter: Hawthorne Class - RSE
Letter: Sports Day
School Association: Summer Fair Arrangements
Letter: Team Superschools
Letter: Chestnut Class - Roman Day
Have you moved to the area or have a child due to start school?
Thank you for your interest in Chesterton. To enable you to see our school in action, our headteacher, Mr Horner, would be happy to show you around. Visits usually take place at 9.30, 11.00 or 1.30 and last approximately an hour, on a date that is mutually convenient. You will have plenty of time to ask any questions that you may have and discuss any areas of school life that are of particular interest.
Please contact the school office by email: or phone 01869 252498 to make an appointment. We look forward to meeting you. Also see our Admissions page.
Latest updates: 25th June

Photos and videos:
Ash Class: Prayer Space
Chestnut Class: Lots!
Special Events: Charity Bingo presentation
Sports: Cricket
Oak Class: Lots
Maple Class: Weeks 4, 5 and 6
Rowan Class: Visit to the Mosque
Hawthorn Class: Anglo-Saxon Workshop
Music: Nick Cope
Beech Class: Animal Workshop

Letter: Beech Class - Earth Trust centre trip
Letter: Hawthorne Class - RSE
Letter: Sports Day
School Association: Summer Fair Arrangements
Letter: Team Superschools
Letter: Chestnut Class - Roman Day
Have you moved to the area or have a child due to start school?
Thank you for your interest in Chesterton. To enable you to see our school in action, our headteacher, Mr Horner, would be happy to show you around. Visits usually take place at 9.30, 11.00 or 1.30 and last approximately an hour, on a date that is mutually convenient. You will have plenty of time to ask any questions that you may have and discuss any areas of school life that are of particular interest.
Please contact the school office by email: or phone 01869 252498 to make an appointment. We look forward to meeting you. Also see our Admissions page.
Latest updates: 25th June

Photos and videos:
Ash Class: Prayer Space
Chestnut Class: Lots!
Special Events: Charity Bingo presentation
Sports: Cricket
Oak Class: Lots
Maple Class: Weeks 4, 5 and 6
Rowan Class: Visit to the Mosque
Hawthorn Class: Anglo-Saxon Workshop
Music: Nick Cope
Beech Class: Animal Workshop

Letter: Beech Class - Earth Trust centre trip
Letter: Hawthorne Class - RSE
Letter: Sports Day
School Association: Summer Fair Arrangements
Letter: Team Superschools
Letter: Chestnut Class - Roman Day
Have you moved to the area or have a child due to start school?
Thank you for your interest in Chesterton. To enable you to see our school in action, our headteacher, Mr Horner, would be happy to show you around. Visits usually take place at 9.30, 11.00 or 1.30 and last approximately an hour, on a date that is mutually convenient. You will have plenty of time to ask any questions that you may have and discuss any areas of school life that are of particular interest.
Please contact the school office by email: or phone 01869 252498 to make an appointment. We look forward to meeting you. Also see our Admissions page.
Chesterton CE Primary School
Alchester Road, Chesterton, Bicester
Oxon OX26 1UN
Tel: 01869 252498