Our Curriculum
Arts & Humanities
Health, Wellbeing & Citizenship
Arts & Humanities
Health, Wellbeing & Citizenship
Our Curriculum
At Chesterton, we believe in the need for an engaging, skills-led curriculum, which encourages and nurtures children's self-belief, enthusiasm, independence, curiosity, resilience and emotional intelligence. We want our pupils to acquire knowledge, develop skills and think creatively, whilst absorbing the learning behaviours, self-reliance and adaptability that they will need to meet the challenges of the modern world.
To this end, we plan for learning using a cross-curricular approach. From Reception through to Year 6, children's learning is fostered through age-appropriate 'thematic' units (usually lasting for a term), with subject knowledge and skills being integrated in a meaningful way.
Children receive discrete English (in addition to specific phonics teaching) and Maths sessions, usually during the morning, where teachers plan and assess learning with reference to the 2014 National Curriculum in Key Stage 1 and 2 and the EYFS Development Matters guidance in Reception. Where possible, teachers seek to integrate learning with that term's topic, therefore enabling pupils to apply English and mathematical skills across the curriculum. This 'topic-type' approach to planning also allows staff to develop flexible learning opportunities and activities, which respond to and inspire children's interests.
We aim to engage pupils in each topic with a 'wow' activity. This could be an educational visit outside school, a specialist visitor to Chesterton or an 'activity day'. In addition, we very much welcome the contributions of parents, carers and the wider community and we hope to draw on their knowledge and experience whenever possible. Often, topics lend themselves more to a particular subject focus, for example Science or History. Where this is the case, the range of topics selected over that year is chosen to enable comprehensive coverage of all subjects over the school year. This coverage is mapped and evaluated by a member of the Senior Leadership Team through the use of a 'Cohort Tracker'.
Our curriculum portfolios and teacher assessments enable staff and parents to compare children's attainment to age-related expectations and against objectives, with progress measurable through a phase (e.g. Lower Key Stage Two). Alongside regular teacher assessments, standardised testing is used to support judgements and also to prepare children for statutory assessments. Information on pupil achievement is communicated to parents through two parents' evenings (November & March) and 'formal' written reports at the end of each academic year.
Teaching Aims
- Make learning vivid and real, actively engaging students in their learning.
- Develop understanding through enquiry, creativity, e-learning and group problem solving.
- Make learning an enjoyable and challenging experience:
- Stimulate learning through matching teaching techniques and strategies to a range of learning styles. Work is well-matched to the needs and abilities of individuals, providing variety, pace and challenge.
- Enrich the learning experience by building transferrable skills across the curriculum.
- Promote 'Assessment for Learning' (AFL) to make children partners in their own learning.
- Promote the use of interactive ICT to enrich and support learning opportunities.
- Use time and resources effectively with targeted use of TAs to support learning and progress.
- For all children to make at least good progress in their learning.
- Pupils know the expected outcomes and the progress that they are making. They evaluate their work against agreed criteria and identify areas for improvement.
- Pupils actively seek feedback to enable them to improve on their previous performance.
- Pupils have positive attitudes and behaviour is excellent. They collaborate well with each other.
- Children use independent learning and thinking skills.
Curriculum Leadership and Monitoring
Curriculum leaders and Curriculum Development Teams are responsible for developing non-negotiables relating to, planning; teaching and learning; feedback and assessment and monitoring (see attached). These are reviewed annually and shared with all teaching staff. Curriculum Development Teams, including representatives from different Key Stages, have input into ensuring that progression of skills and knowledge is achieved in mixed-age classes.
The Senior Leadership Team and subject co-ordinators have the responsibility for the monitoring of teaching and learning according to the whole-school monitoring schedule and ensuring compliance with the 2014 National Curriculum.
Governors monitor teaching and learning through:
- Visiting the school to participate in whole-school monitoring.
- Meeting with co-ordinators and senior leaders.
- Scrutinising progress and attainment data and holding leaders to account.
- Evaluation of school performance against School Development Plan targets.
Home - School Links
Class teachers publish termly 'Topic Webs' to inform parents of curriculum coverage. They also share regular examples of class work and activities through photos on the school website. Parents are invited into school for 'Class Sharing Worships' and also for class open afternoons; for example, to celebrate work during Science Week.
We also encourage children and parents to support the learning in school through the Home – School Agreement, and by encouraging their child through learning enrichment and individual learning activities outside school.