Chesterton CE Primary School
Chesterton CE Primary School
Chesterton CE Primary School
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Welcome to PE & School Sport: Gallery 2020-21
Chesterton Inter-House Cross Country - 12th November
As the usual Bicester Primary Schools' Cross Country competition is unable to take place this year, Mrs Rotherham and Mr Horner decided to organise their own. Dean Woodham (North Oxfordshire Sports Partnership manager) and Cara Williams (Bicester School Sports Co-ordinator) were both in attendance to support the pupils and to add a bit of prestige to the event. Each year group took it in turns to race throughout the morning, with points, going towards their house team score, available for the top 3. The teachers were also on the lookout for other pupils displaying the School Games Value of 'Determination'. Please see the table below for the full results. A special mention to our youngest winners, Matthew and Gracie, and to Honour Woodrow who avenged her defeat to Meriel at Sports Day to set the fastest time of the day - 2mins 8secs.

Chesterton CE Primary School Chesterton CE Primary School
Chesterton CE Primary School Chesterton CE Primary School
Chesterton CE Primary School Chesterton CE Primary School
Chesterton CE Primary School Chesterton CE Primary School
Chesterton CE Primary School Chesterton CE Primary School

Group Girls Boys Overall Winner
Maple 1: Gracie Eilertsen
2: Willow Langan
3: Cherry Bartholomew
1: Matthew Evans
2: Keagan Crook
3: Hugo Queralt
Matthew Evans
3 mins 12 secs
Year 1 1: Evalyn Wyatt
2: Edie Wells
3: Eva Sinclair-Pearson
1: Jude Twiselton
2: Oliver Walters
3: Max Gardner
Evalyn Wyatt
2 mins 43 secs
Year 2 1: Beatrice Dancer
2: Robyn Brandram
3: Elizabeth Nickson
1: Freddie Nunn-Reeve
2: Edward Messum
3: Israh Shaheen
2 mins 25 secs
Year 3 1: Connie Brennan
2: Emilia Brayshaw
3: Bella Williams
1: Harold Lane Fox
2: Freddie Boyce
3: Illy Petrovic
Harold Lane Fox
2 mins 22 secs
Year 4 1: Meriel Woodrow
2: Esme Eilertsen
3: Sophie Happell
1: Manny Donaldson
2: William Isaac
3: Herbie Allmond
Meriel Woodrow
2 mins 10 secs
Year 5 1: Olivia Morgan-Griffin
2: Izzy Goddard
3: Hallie Malin
1: Joshua Horseman
2: Finlay Haynes
3: Oscar Horwood
2 mins 16 secs
Year 6 1: Honour Woodrow
2: Charlotte Hornby
3: Daisy Collett
1: Benjamin Isaac
2: Toby Hutt
3: Harry Walker
Honour Woodrow
2 mins 8 secs

House Team Scores
Place House Points
1st Jersey 39
2nd Penrose 32
3rd Buckle 27
4th Squire 22

Chesterton CE Primary School
Alchester Road, Chesterton, Bicester
Oxon OX26 1UN
Tel: 01869 252498